Friday, March 16, 2007

Walking A Fine Line

I think I actually did something right in Twelve's eyes! Needed to have an extra girl scout meeting this afternoon with some of the girls, because they are the members of one committee that is working on a particular portion of their Silver Award. It turns out that the girls who were able to meet, just happened to be girls that Twelve likes.

Eventempered's mother (Eventemper happens to be the one girl in the troop that Twelve likes the best) offered to pick the girls up at school and have them meet at her house. Mentioned that to Twelve, and she said "Why can't they meet at our house?" After the last fiasco ,there was no way that I was going to offer our house...which is just what I told Twelve. Twelve's comment was "No mom, really, it's O.K., I really want them to meet here". I let Twelve know that I was just trying to follow her "list of do's and don'ts" and that if there was a change to said list, that she had to amend it and sign it. (that earned a closed eye roll in my direction)

Yesterday, I was speaking with Eventempered's mom, and with some trepidation (o.k. much trepidation!), I offered to let the girls meet at my house after school. This would allow the girls to walk, instead of being picked up, hopefully they will burn off some energy on the walk, and then I offered to work (or deal) with these sweet angelic young ladies. (I am using the term "young ladies" loosely). Eventempered's mom said that was fine. (I think that she was somewhat relieved that she wouldn't have to deal with them at her house.)

I find that I am stressing, worrying about all the things can can go wrong between last night and this afternoon. Wish me luck...


Patti said...

good luck!
please wish me luck driving home in this snowstorm we have going outside

Patti said...

Lynn! I see you read Sarah's blog.
she is my blog mentor !!

and a good friend

Patti said...

P.S. dd must mean dear daughter, right?

Renee Nefe said...

I do wish you well with the extra Girl Scout meeting. We had our regular meeting today. The girls got to learn about taking care of themselves.

re: dd's glasses. At first she wasn't so thrilled with the idea, but we've been shopping for the frames for a while and I've always said that she could put the stickers on by the time we actually did the appointment she was ready. I told her my sunglasses plan and she likes it. I don't think that we should invest in script sunglasses for at least a year to see how much her script changes. If it doesn't change at all we'll get the sunglasses and if it doesn't change much, we can have her old lenses tinted.

Joan said...

So...did Twelve read, amend and then sign her list? And, if so, did she change any of her other demands as well...after she finished rolling her eyes?

Lynn said...

Patti - Good luck driving in the snowstorm! Yes...dd does mean dear daughter.

Renee - What did the girls do to learn about taking care of themselves?

Joan - yeah right...she rushed right out to amend the list (rolling MY eyes)