Friday, March 9, 2007

Sometimes I Am Not A Nice Person

Another Girl Scout meeting finished! My co-leader and her daughter were not able to make the meeting today, so it was two moms, 7 girls, a "new girl and her mom" who came to the meeting to check out our troop, plus me. New Girl is currently in 6th grade and is looking for a troop in our area. New Girl seemed very comfortable with the 7th and 8th grade girls in our troop. New Girl couldn't keep her mouth shut! New Girl reminded me of the Flinger when she was younger. New Girl kept speaking out of turn and interrupting. New Girl gave me a headache.

Twelve and Eventempered both liked New Girl. Twelve and Eventempered both said that New Girl is really nice. What is wrong with these girls? Couldn't they see that New Girl is Flinger reincarnate? Couldn't they hear that she was interrupting what was being said and disrupting the meeting? Couldn't they read my mind as it reeled in horror at the thought of another Flinger in our mist?

I spent part of the meeting speaking with New Girls mom...explaining to her that my troop is finishing up their Silver Award project, and that I really don't know what next year will bring as far as the troop goes. I tried to let her know that some of the girls will be moving on to high school and may not want to continue as Girl Scouts. I even looked up the names and phone numbers for the leaders of a 6th grade troop at our school. In reality, I tried everything, other than coming straight out and saying it, to discourage this mother from having New Girl (or Flinger 2) join our troop. I am hoping (wishing, praying) that the mother and New Girl decide together that maybe our troop would not be the right one to join. Sometimes, besides being a wimp, I am not a nice person!


Patti said...

Ah, the curse of the Flinger is upon you, Lynn.
There is no escaping! It's your destiny.

Actually it's just a challenge that will make you stronger than you already are. And you certainly don't sound like a wimp!

meno said...

Sometimes being able to see the future is a curse. How about telling her about the lice infestation? Or some other loathesome disease that troubled the troop all year.

jaded said...

Lynn, if this girl does select your troop to join, maybe during her first official meeting, you should review conduct guidelines. Discuss courtesies, behavioral expectations, remind all the girls of the code of honor and the girl scout mission....Girls don't always behave like themselves, when they are with new girls and are trying to establish a place in the hierarchy.

Renee Nefe said...

I don't think that you were being "not nice" I think that you were being realistic with this girl in that she won't fit in very well with the rest of the troop. Your girls are older and just about out of this.

The fact that she's flinger incarnate may have had a lot to do with your feelings, but I don't think that it's a bad thing to point out to someone how they do not fit in.

We've had quite a few girls come to visit our troop and not stick around...I think that most of that is because we're a roudy's getting calmer but for the most part our meetings are far from a "tea party." We haven't had to tell anyone that they don't fit in...although I have prayed that some would realize it quickly!!!

Pam said...

I know it doesn't help any, but again, all I can say is that I hope you save all these accounts because you relay them so well and they are very, very funny.

And I DON'T think you sound like "not a nice person" at all. Hang in there. You're doing a thankless job and that is hard!

Joan said...

You are always a nice person...and almost never a wimp!

Lynn said...

Patti - If Flinger is my destiny, I do not wish to fulfill it!

Meno - Darn, I forgot about the lice infestation and the rash that all the girls keep passing back and forth. lol

Patches- Excellent suggestions. A discussion will definitely be in order if this girl calls back.

Renee - I am praying that this girl and her mother decide that my troop is not the right troop for them.

Pam - Thanks for recognizing that being a girl scout leader is a thankless job...cause it is!

Joan -Aw shucks...thanks.