Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm On Vacation!

I'm on vacation! woo hoo! I can't believe this week has finally passed. I know that my week off will pass quickly too, but I'm trying not to think about that right now.

Twelve got an "A" on her Science test, so she is feeling duly rewarded for her effort. Ten had a great baseball game this evening, so he's feeling good about how he played. I'm feeling relieved that I won't have to go to work next week.

There is so much that I wish I could accomplish this week, so much that I think I should accomplish this week, and realistically only so much that I will accomplish. The trick is to figure out a way that I won't be disappointed or frustrated when I don't accomplish many of the things that I want to. It's hard to look at the mountain of "stuff" on my desk, and not feel stress. This is one task, that if completed, would give me alot of satisfaction. Unfortunately, I know that I don't have enough time to be able to dig through all of the clutter currently on the top of my desk. I really don't even know where to begin. I look at my desk and become overwhelmed.(all that comes to mind is that I need to take a shovel (or backhoe) and throw everything in the trash). I know that cleaning off my desk is not something that I will be able to complete and cross of my list of things to do. So... realistically, I'll end up settling for doing some of the other things on my to do ... knowing that even if I cross off 25 items on that list, I will not be satisfied because my desk will still look awful!

Quite the dilemna! Do I partially do the one task that will leave me feeling satisfied, or do I pick a task that I will be able to complete?


Patti said...

Pick one that you will be able to complete.
Then take a nap.

jaded said...
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jaded said...

Nice collection of good karma , you've got going with the kids feeling accomplished and in good moods, and yourself with a little vacation time.

When tasks become as overwhelming like the desk, sometimes it's best to approach it incrementally. Work on your other list items based on priority, but set an hour (or whatever block of time), to work on the desk everyday. (then again, I like Patti's suggestion about taking a nap)

The Missus is trying that approach with the One Eye's papers. (Yup, still working on those.)

meno said...

It's spring break here this week too. I always plan on doing 100 things....later in the week. And then it's Friday. How did that happen?

Good for twelve!

Joan said...

I vote for the desk...might as well do one huge task that stares at you every day than many little less important ones...and I honestly believe you CAN clean it off and be done with it within the week. I know...I've seen the nice clean top of the desk before so I'm it's possible.

Lynn said...

Patti - I like the idea of rewarding myself with a's absolutely brillant!

Patches - The one hour at a time is a great idea...I will take up a box of garbage bags up to my desk and stop everytime I fill one (which shouldn't even take a whole hour!)... or maybe I'll even start a tally to see how many garbage bags I can fill in an hour... that should motivate me.

Meno - That's precisely what I am afraid of...waking up next Friday and realizing that I accomplished nothing.

Joan - If you came over, you could help me toss most of the junk...I'll even let you use the paper shredder...:-)

Patti said...

Last year my former co-worker and I had a great time with a paper shredder. It was therapeutic and helped us relieve some stress.
Take sis up on the offer, Joan.

Renee Nefe said...

I find that making a list of what I want to accomplish helps me. I don't punish myself for not completing the list, I congratulate myself for getting the things that I do finish done...and the list is still there for me to complete afterward too.
After I write my list I look at what I can realistically do and what I would like to do first. Yeah, I put off the big stuff for last, but I usually do get it all done.

re: LLL invoices. Actually I do charge late fees. I start off by telling them the dues are $3 bucks higher and if they pay by a two week due date they can take off $3 for an early payment discount. Then if they don't pay w/i a month there's a $3 Late Fee. We usually get 85% paid in time for the "early discount", and then get another 5% who pay the "regular" price. and then probably %2 who pay the late fee...the rest either never pay or retire.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see this infamous desk!!!

Pam said...

I'm late with commenting on this post (I'm playing catch-up on my blog reading - life got to crazy to compute!) - but I hope you are able to accomplish enough to feel that sense of satisfaction and that you also find that same satisfaction in RELAXING!

Congrats on 12's A!

Lynn said...

Patti - A shredding party...what a great idea!

Renee - I am a queen at making lists...and I love crossing things off of the list...unfortunately, the pieces of paper that my lists are on tend to end up either in the bottom of my purse...or on top of my desk.

Only Oldest - You may need a safety hat to view the isn't for the faint of heart.

Pam - that's a novel thought.