Friday, March 9, 2007

Public Service Announcement...

Daylight savings time is coming to parts of the United States and Canada this Sunday morning. There has been alot of media hype about all the things that can go wrong with cell phones and computers. This reminds me of the Y2K hype, which never amounted to anything. However, just in case there is something to this, the technogeeks at my work sent the following link to go to if you have an older computer (one that doesn't have the DST upgrade in it) that is running Windows XP or Outlook. (Just so you know I went to the website and my work laptop already had the upgrade.) Personally, I can't imagine that it matters if my computer says it's 6:54am and it's really 5:54am but maybe somehow it is important. So in the spirit of community service, I am providing this information. This concludes this Public Service Announcement


Patti said...

I shall leave that computer stuff up to Kid Two ...

Anonymous said...

It's comforting to know that my computer is smarter than me. Without my doing a thing, it changed time by itself thank God.
I don't know about my cell phone yet but no matter, it's on its own too!!!