Monday, November 5, 2007

What Makes A Person, Personable?

There must be something in the air relating to words, play on words, and language in general. Patches has been posting about it.

Then last night Elle, my thirteen year old daughter, asked me this question. Maybe you can help me with the answer.

"If a person who eats another person is called a cannibal, then why isn't a person who eats from a can called a personable?".

O.K., clearly she didn't understand the meaning of the word personable, or even how funny what she asked was, but I couldn't stop cracking up.


Unknown said...

Oh! That's brilliant. That's like, Steven Wright brilliant.

Go check out Maggie at Mind Moss. She's taking about a new word from a dream she had...

jaded said...

People eat food from cans, seriously? I thought people only ate food from chinese take out containers. I need to research this cans you speak of.

Nobody grasps the irrationality of the English language like a teenager or a foreigner.

Patti said...

the English language is irrational, like Patches said.
and now it's becoming so bilingual -
but I don't have to tell someone who lives in Calif. that, do I?

p.s. Did you like my Ven idea?

Joan said...

Elle's uncle would just love that wordplay. I'm off to tell him. :~)

Lynn said...

Nancy - She is pretty smart! I'll head on over to visit Maggie.

Patches - Some humans eat food from cans. Food from Chinese take out containers definitely tastes better.

Patti - The English Language is confusing at best. Did I miss something, or am I just brain dead? What ven idea?

Joan - Let me know what he says.

meno said...

Just when you want to beat them, they come up with something totally funny.

Patti said...

I just scrolled through a bunch of
comments from the past couple of weeks here but couldn't find the one in which I suggested Ven for Ten when he turns Eleven.
As a matter of fact I think I mentioned it twice. But I cannot find it.

Ven, short for Eleven, rhymes with Ten, etc.

Don't mind me ;-)

Lynn said...

Meno - Ain't that the truth!

Patti - Yes, now I remember. Thanks for the reminder. Ven is under consideration.

Patti said...

OK then...
Now don't forget the peace globe