Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Letter "S"

What we have here are four different kinds of snakes...the Boomslang Snake, the Rat Snake, The Viper Snake and The Car Salesman Snake. I think that when you classify Car Salesmen, they need to be filed under the letter "S"... for "smarmy, slimy, sleezy, slippery, snake". However, that might just insult the snake.

DH and I went to finally test drive the TSX. (Great little car by the way) We had an e-mail from the dealership with a price for the car that we thought was a good deal (based on our research).

The manager "AH" (I'm sure that you can figure out what his initials stand for) at this particular dealership tried to add on some garbage fees. This really pissed me off, because I knew that these fees were 'horsepucky'.

The salesman who had sent us the email quote, was not in last night, so the manager claimed that the salesman gave us the quote without the fees included. Fortunately, DH has been also speaking with someone at a different dealership. We'll go visit that dealership this weekend.
Needless to say, we left without the car.


Joan said...

And now we know one of the reasons Rick and I are still looking for a new car after so many years...we're afraid of snakes!

Anonymous said...

Love the icon of the woman with 8 arms!

meno said...

Good for you for leaving. They count on people who won't.

Renee Nefe said...

Wait, perhaps "AH" will realize his mistake in a few days and contact you about the car minus the "fees."

the moose buyer said...

I cannot believe that both DH and Rick are looking at new cars now. I am soooo jealous. Don't let those slimy salespeople cheat you and if you play one lot against another you might even get a lower price. That's what I do for a living remember??

Lynn said...

Joan - I don't mind snakes, as long as I know that they are not poisonous.

Maddy - She seems to exemplify how much I do.

Meno - Yeah, and we've gotten 3 phone calls today from that dealership (different people each time) trying to get us to come back in.

Renee - Too late. We reconnected with the guy who gave up the original price, and he stands behind his price...without the extra fees. We'll see him on Friday.

The Moose Buyer - Did that, and now have what we believe is a great price...we'll see what happens when we go in to do the paperwork.