Sunday, October 7, 2007

Thanks Are In Order

I'm tired, and I've been in a lousy rotten mood all afternoon. I carried this lousy mood with me all through dinner, and I contemplated not logging on because I was in no mood to be sociable or even polite. I logged on anyway, and started reading through everyone's blogs and suddenly found the dark cloud that had surrounded me, all afternoon, dissipating. Somehow reading about the lives of my blogging friends (and family) help lift the cloud. So thank you to each and everyone of you for bringing some sunshine back into my life and for brightening my evening.


Renee Nefe said...

Glad to help. did ya come visit me? ;o)

Sorry that you had such a bad day. I hope that tomorrow is much better.

meno said...

Sometime you just need to get out of your own little world for a while.

We are proud to provide you with diversion.

Patti said...

I am always available to help. I may even post a comic today.


Patti said...

P.S. I just remembered. Come on over, I posted something amusing last night.

Joan said...

You know...if you're in a lousy rotten mood, you can always come to my house and we can vent about our miseries together. Just like shopping, sometimes to takes being with a "buddy" to make it a productive day.

ms chica said...

Happy Monday! Wait, it is Monday, right?

Everybody needs space from time to time.

Michele said...


pssst... saved u a piece of pumpkin pie if u want it!

Marshamlow said...

I am glad to hear your mood has lifted. Great advice for the next time get in a funk.

the moose buyer said...

Joan/Lynn, you both have a ton of stuff to be happy about so my younger cousins, get your chins off the floor and as Pollyanna said,keep finding something to be glad about!! Both of you are wonderful and I am always happy to be your only oldest!! We are a very lucky family so get rid of those clouds!!

Lynn said...

Renee - I visited you...twice;~)

Meno - Last night I certainly did need to get out of my own life, and my own world. I really appreciate the diversion.

Patti - Thanks...I love reading your posts.

Joan - I hope you know how much I appreciate you, and I appreciate your offer.

Ms. Chica - Today is definitely Monday. What I really needed last night was my own planet!

Michele - I love pumpkin pie! I can't wait until it's Thanksgiving here so I can have some:~)

Marsha - I highly recommend looking around the blogosphere.

The Moose Buyer - I think I just needed some time to be grouchy. Consider the clouds parting sort of here;~)

Unknown said...

Glad to be of service. :-)
Grouchy's underrated. You can't appreciate happy without grouchy.

Ralph said...

If you didn't say anything about it, I never would have guessed 'grouchy'. Therefore, blogging can be very therapeutic (like self-medicating in the very best way:>)

Lynn said...

Nancy - You are absolutely correct. It is very easy to take happy for granted, if there isn't the grouchy waiting in the wings.

Ralph - Do you think since blogging is so therapeutic that I could deduct the cost of a new laptop as a medical expense? lol

Meow (aka Connie) said...

It is wonderful how just visiting other's blogs can be so uplifting. Glad it was able to help you.
Hope you are well.
Take care, Meow

Lynn said...

Meow (aka Connie) - I really was surprised at how much better I felt after reading everyone's posts.