Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The Talk"

Warning: This post contains 5th grade Family Life information...

Conversation overheard at one of my schools...

Student #1 "Did you know that two people get naked, they hug, their things touch, and a few months later a baby comes out? "
Student #2 "Yeah, I knew that."

I guess it's time for their parents to have "The Talk" with them.


ms chica said...

It's a strange time as a parent. You have to ask yourself, do I want to progagate the myths, or do want to possibly shock them with the truth? Good luck!

Joan said...

I hate to get personal here but have you and/or Hubby had that talk with Ten yet??? Just curious...

Marshamlow said...

I bet the parents will never know, what it is their kids talk about at school. I know I have no idea.

Renee Nefe said...

DD read that and giggled.

Yeah they need a talk.

Pam said...

So THAT'S how it works...

Patti said...

I would have been the first to comment this morning but I didn't know what to say. I chickened out.
I wanted to see what other people said!

meno said...

5th grade huh? Those parents better hurry up.

the moose buyer said...

I would have thought 5th graders would know more because I thought kids were starting earlier. Maybe if they continue thinking this way they will never get "naked"

Michele said...

Eeeps... I think I learned about that stuff when I was in third or fourth grade. "Things touch...?" Oh boy... kids nowadays know more about that stuff than I do at my age today!!!... this is almost hard to believe...

Renee Nefe said...

I actually love my closet system. I can find what I'm looking for easily. DH doesn't seem to mind as he does a pretty similar thing. LOL

yeah this place needs help. If that clean sweep show came around it would be great, but they would have to do all my rooms.

Liv said...

Yes, their story probably needs to be set straight. Why don't I look forward to this stage??

Lapa said...

قمة عالمية البرتغا الكاتب cristovao دي اغيار.

وهو ، أيضا ، وترجمت الى اللغة البرتغاليه ثروه الامم من آدم سميث.

وقد منح العديد من الجوائز.

لا تنسوا اسم هذا الكاتب العظيم ، يمكنك الاستماع اليه قريبا.

اشكركم على انفاق الوقت في الثقافة العالمية.

شكرا للزيارة

NEW LITERARY BLOG, e não só...

Lynn said...

Ms. Chica - As a parent you also have to ask yourself, when do give them information that takes away their innocence>

Joan - Yes. "The talk" was given.

Marsha - I am amazed at what I overhear when I am walking around a school.

Renee - Giggling is good:~)

Pam - Yes indeed it is;~)

Patti - I know the feeling. I am sometimes at a loss as to how to respond as well. I don't call that chicken, I call it wanting to digest the information and filter it by reading someone else comment first;~)

Meno - Aren't they still supposed to be babies in elementary school?

The Moose Buyer - Maybe this student already had "The Talk" but this is all that they were ready to understand from it.

Michele - By Middle School, they certainly do know alot, but in most elementary schools out here, the Family Life unit isn't presented until 5th or 6th grade.

Renee - I love watching 'Clean Sweep' and 'Clean House'.

Liv - I am basically a chicken. I figure that either their parents, or their teacher needs to set them straight...otherwise other kids will.