I believe that I've mentioned before, that I work for a large urban school district. This particular school district decided to roll out a new payroll system this past February, without testing it out first. The result has been thousands of employees being either unpaid, underpaid, or overpaid.
Since February, I have not had two paychecks that have been the same. This month, I received less than 1/3 of my usual pay. I spent 3 hours this afternoon, waiting to meet, and meeting with a "Payroll helper figurer it out sorta" named, "Jack". Only "Jack" really couldn't figure out my payroll history, and instead he came up with some cockamame story, that he thought I would by.
If I could have afforded to buy his story, I might have. Since I received only 1/3 of my paycheck, I wasn't buyin' anything "Jack" was saying( if I was going to buy something it certainly would not have been his explaination). So, I kept questioning "Jack" until he was exhausted, and I finally understood what he was trying to tell me. (Seems that I used to catch on to things much more quickly, sigh)
"Jack" told me that he would have to do some research on my payroll history, and would conduct an audit to see if he could come up with a real explaination as to why my paychecks have been so whacked out for the past 9 months. He gave me both his number, and his supervisors name, and assured me that I would hear from him by next week. I am keeping my fingers crossed, and my wallet closed, and I am hoping for the best.
The district expects me to continue to provide services with the same level of commitment that I have always had. And of course, being who I am, I can't help but provide the best level of service to the students that I work with. I am held, professionally to a high level of excellence, I just wish that my employer was as committed to doing as good a job as I am.