Sunday, April 29, 2007

It's Time For A Whinefest

I am sick of Girl Scouts. I am tired of being the sucker who waste her precious time during the week or on the weekend, helping other peoples daughters become responsible, stronger women. I am resentful that I am devoting so much time to these girls, that Twelve doesn't even like, and their parents go about on their merry way.

Yesterday, Eventempered came over. Twelve and Eventempered were supposed to come up with some music to play in the background during the Silver Award event that the troop has planned. Most of their time was spent playing on the Wii. I had chores to do, silly unimportant things like food shopping. Instead I had to stay home with the two girls. Maybe if I had made better use of my time while stuck at home, I might not be in such a bad mood.

Today, I planned to go food shopping. We went to services this morning, and got home about 1pm. I planned to eat lunch and leave for the store (our cupboards are so bare that now I even need to get bread and water). Evidently one of the girls on the entertainment committee with Twelve called last night and wanted to get together today. Make that wanted to come over to my house and work on the music for the event. Eventempered (she's also on the committee) also wanted to come over here. Of course that would work out best for everyone involved (read as their parents)...EXCEPT FOR ME!

Eventempered's parents were able to go about their daily business yesterday, while Eventempered was over here, and "J's" parents were able to do whatever they needed to do yesterday...while I was stuck here...supervising. Now today, Eventempered's parents can drop her off and go about and do their chores, and "J's" parents can drop her off and do their chores, while I am left here, unable to even get to the grocery store to buy some food.

I am resentful, big time. I need a break. I need for someone else to step up to the plate and volunteer their precious weekend time to helping my daughter....fat chance that will happen.

We are currently in the middle of these three girls trying to agree on songs to buy, so that a CD can be burned to play in the background. Twelve is being the biggest bitch! She doesn't like "J" and is being rude to her. I have a raging headache and am also working on being resentful that I can't get to the grocery store. Hubby just came home and is mad at me for not putting his clothes in the dryer. That would be the same hubby who went clothes shopping for himself yesterday and then returned to the stores today to return something.

I need a break!!!!! This Whinefest was brought to you by Girl Scouts!


armalicious said...

Sorry that your weekend didn't go as planned. Go ahead & whine,'re entitled. I think I did this to my mom once and only once. See, she had this look...we learned early to be wary of "the look." Needless to say, my house wasn't the only house where we gathered after that.

jaded said...

It sounds as if some of the parents need to enroll in the girl scouts to re-learn a few of the lessons they missed in kindergarten. I've noticed that many aspects of human society involve bitching about a problem and expecting others to do the dirty work and pitch in to make our society a better place...I appreciate what you are doing, Lynn. So will Twelve, but for her it will be a few more years before she understands what you've given (up) for her.

Renee Nefe said...

wow! I'm sorry those other parents take advantage of you like that. It really makes me so thankful for our one would even think of dumping their kid off like that as we are all expected to be involved in the troop.
I know you won't but I think you would be totally justified in quitting. Hugs

Lynn said...

Arm -Thanks for the support. I guess I need to develop a "look"...maybe that will help.

Patches - Thanks. It feels nice to be appreciated;~) Please tell Missus Chicca that I said that you deserve an extra long belly rub right now. I wish the parents of the girls would appreciate me more. Other than my co-leader and Eventempered's mom, I just feel so taken for granted. I know that Twelve appreciates what I am doing, because she tells me so. However, I know that she will appreciate me even more when she is older.

Renee - I need to learn to stick up for myself, and not let myself be taken advantage of. Maybe that is why I was in such a rotten, lousy mood today. Thanks for the hugs...they are greatly appreciated!

Marshamlow said...

I think it was being a girl scout leader that made me really realize how much my own mom had done for me as a child. I was also stuck at home most of the weekend with a bunch of other people's kids. It is very frustrating.

Ralph said...

I think that it all goes back to the parents who want to get involved vs those who will not be involved, but let others do the tough work (which means parents won't have to take any time for their kid's activities). I think that the Boy Scouts of America acronym, BSA, means to many parents Baby Sitters of America...

Joan said...

Okay...I know you keep saying next year will be different...I'm beginning to have doubts that will happen. I will be sure to point you back to this post when you start to say "yes" one too many times. Stay strong...the summer is almost here. :~)

sari said...

I hate that too. And when you get mad, then everything just seems to get worse.

I would say "sure, it's fine if you get together, but you need to do it at "X"'s house this time, because we were home all day yesterday working on this and I have things to do today." Period. and if they can't figure out an alternate place to go...then they can work on it another time.

Unfortunately, there are parents out there that will take advantage of you. My son has a friend that calls all the time to see if my son can play, then says "Can I come to your house?" Granted they live in a tiny apartment, but I go by the rule that if you want to play, you invite someone to your house, not yourself to someone else's house.

Sorry to add my whine to yours!! :-)

sari said...

ps and I'm not contradicting myself with the "find another place to go" and "if you call to play, have them at your own house" because your situation falls under the category of "3 or more" and then they all have to figure it out together.

ha ha

Lynn said...

Marsha - Generally, I don't mind having other kids over here. I enjoy that my kids want to have their friends here (that way I can keep an closer eye on them)...I just needed some time this weekend for myself, and needed to whine because through my own wimpy fault, I didn't get any.

Ralph - I think you are right. Many of the parents (especially when Twelve was younger) looked at Girl Scouts as babysitting time. Too bad I couldn't charge the parents my hourly rate...that would have been a wake up call to them.

Joan - I am counting on you for the reminder:~)

Sari - I can tell that you truly understand. Unfortunately we are getting down to the wire for this CD of music to be made...The girls are so busy with homework during the week. Next weekend Ten and hubby will be at a YMCA event and I want to have a girls weekend with Twelve, my mom and I. The following weekend is the event. Usually with play dates, it is more fair. I do what you do, if my kids call someone for a play date, then I expect that the other child will come to my house and visa versa. Although sometimes the kids go between houses (2 hours here, 2 hours there)...with Girl Scouts, the other parents don't want to be involved with what needs to be done, so they figure I need to be involved and it needs to be done at my house. (sigh)

Renee Nefe said...

ever go to comment about a comment on your blog and read all the comments on that blog and forget totally what you came to comment about? No? Must just be me.

The thing with the stick shift is that no one has ever taken the time to teach me. The one time I had a good chunk of time to learn I managed to shake the battery loose in the car (stupid mechanic! The didn't have the right sized battery so they stuck a smaller one in and used wires to attach it!) so when the car was "studdering" because I was still trying to learn how to do the gas/clutch thing the connection came loose and we were stuck in a parking lot. Of course we had no idea what was causing the car to not run anymore until we tried to jump it. By the time we got the car figured out, the lesson was over. *sigh*

I'm sure DH would teach me if we had a stick shift...well, maybe not. LOL! I told DH that I should design a stick shift simulator...then folks could learn w/o hurting anything. I could be rich!

egan said...

I'll take a box of thin mints please.

Did this post make you feel any better about your role in the Girl Scouts?

armalicious said...

Mmmmm....Thin Mints.

Yes, you need to develop a look. My mother never had to yell at us in public because of it either. You got "the look" and you knew. You knew.

Lynn said...

Renee - I think you might be onto something...a stick shift simulator. (sounds almost nasty)

Egan - Thank goodness cookie sales are over. After writing this post, I felt much better... it let me get my whine out.

Arm - "The look" that I used on Ten and Twelve when they were younger doesn't seem to work anymore:~( Sometimes now I use "the tone" (of voice)...not yelling, just a tone, and they pause and listen...O.K. maybe Ten and Twelve don't listen to "the tone", but my dog does:~) I wonder if there is a video out there that teaches "How to utilize 'The Look' appropriately and successfully". You and your beautiful voice could provide the songs for it:~)

egan said...

Good, as long as the post helps you vent. It seems to do wonders for me too when I blog about a frustrating topic.

Pam said...

Hi Lynn - You've earned some whine time... sounds like you're definitely burned out.

There is a silver lining here if you can stand to hear it... Eventually you might be glad that your house is the house where all the kids want to be because then you'll know where yours are and that they are safe.

Hang in there, and keep counting those days down until summer vacation!

Anonymous said...

ok cuz, guilt still works just fine in this family. I will take mom out for dinner tonight. One of these days when the kids have time too, I will take them away and let you rest(or clean or shop).

Lynn said...

Egan - It amazes me that getting the whine out reduced my frustration level almost immediately.

Pam - You are right. A part of me loves that the kids want people to come over here, because I can keep my eye on what is going on, and not all parents are as vigilant (neurotic) as I am.

Only Oldest - Thanks! I will definitely take you up on your offer:~)

Lisa - Welcome to my blog, and yes...venting for me, was good clean therapy...especially since everyone has been so supportive.

Anonymous said...

Darn it, I swear I left a comment this morning.

Demands on your time like that are so unfair. Can you sneak out next Saturday sometime before dawn, and then call from an undisclosed coffeehouse a few hours later to see what chaos goes on without you? Hilarity should ensue.

Lynn said...

Nancy - That's a great idea! Ten and hubby are leaving for a YMCA Trail blazers sleepover, so there shouldn't be too much chaos this weekend...maybe I'll just disappear on Mother's Day :~)

egan said...

Thus why it's important to blog. It makes you type out your feelings/concerns. A good thing in my book.

Lynn said...

Egan - Amen to I just have to gather the energy to post again. (sigh)