Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Sister Hit A Homerun Out of the Park

Here is the Wii update...Joan waited on line at the store. They handed out numbers. She was 9 out of 17. We thought that sounded strange, I mean who packs cartons in groups of 17? Anyway, the bottom line is that she was able to purchase the Wii, and accessories :~D

Ten has a baseball game this afternoon (unless it rains, which it's supposed to do). Twelve and I were going to drive to my sister's house to pick up the Wii. Joan and her hubby have offered to come out this way for dinner, and they will drop off the Wii at that time.

Are they great, or what?


meno said...

They are great. I want a sister. I don't think it's going to happen at this stage of my life however as my parents are in their 80s. :)

Pam said...


armalicious said...

Yay! Like I said in the previous post, you will have fun with this as well. Not just Ten & Twelve. You can show 'em what their Mama is made of!

Patti said...

wow, that's some sister and brother-in-law you've got there. Glad to hear it all worked out with the Wii. Have fun guys!

Renee Nefe said...

You have a great sister...Wii and delivery. What more can you ask?

Lynn said...

Meno - And to think I always wanted an older brother...glad I have my sister;~)

Pam - You can say that again!

Arm - We're playing "baseball" at the moment...boy am I out of shape.

Patti - Yep, that is some sister and brother-in-law I have, and believe me...I am grateful!

Renee - They could have paid for it...ha ha ha...just kidding...Ten and Twelve paid for it themselves.

egan said...

What's your son's batting average on the Wii? Congrats on your new toy.

Patti said...

Lynn, Kid Two told me he and Kid One wanted to save up for a Wii. Didn't realize they wanted one!
Out of touch mother.

Lynn said...

Egan - Not sure about his batting average...but he just bowled a 230! Last night I bowled a 134 and was so proud of I am humbled. This Wii really brings out the competitive spirit in my family...sister and brother-in-law included!

Patti - Know that you know, you are a "formerly out of touch mother". The Wii is so much fun for the whole family.

Patti said...

wonder if Homer could use it?
I've never seen one in person.

jaded said...

Sounds like lots of fun. Keep a firm grip on those controllers....

egan said...

He bowled a 230? That's impressive. Is the Wii something I should have based on your two days of playing it?

Anonymous said...

the kids promised me once they got it they would pull me into the 21st century. Please let's set up an evening in May and I can stop on my way from work.

Lynn said...

Patti - If Homer has a good grip with his hands, then he could play. Often game stores have a Wii set up...even Target has it set up in their electronics section, I would recommend that Homer goes and tries it out first.

Patches - Between your warning and the games warning, to keep a firm grip on the controllers and to use the arm band, I think we'll be o.k. How are the Missus and Mister enjoying their vacation?

Egan - Based on last night, and watching Ten and Twelve on it this morning, before school, I would definitely recommend it. Will let you know how I feel about it a week from now. Just in case you're wondering if this is an appropriate anniversary gift for you and the might be...depending on the missus ;~)

Only Oldest - Let's talk and set up a time.

Patti said...

thanks Lynn. I'll take that advice if we think about buying one. ;-)

egan said...

I love that you thought ahead in regards to an anniversary gift for the missus. I will see what I can do.

Lynn said...

Patti - You're welcome

Egan - I'm always thinking of ways to make thinks work. If one can combine a fun toy with a gift, well, isn't that a good thing?