Friday, August 10, 2007

That Burning Feeling

I am amazed how much I take the absence of pain for granted. Only remembering to be greatful for the absence of pain, when I am in the throes of experiencing pain.

Work starts for me in a few more weeks. I have woken up the last two mornings with a burning pain where my stomach and esophagus meet. I've experienced this before during a particularily stressful time at work, and my doctor said the problem was either acid reflux, or GERD. She said since both are treated the same way, it doesn't really matter which I have. Last year, after I started taking medication the pain went away, and after 4 months, I was able to stop the medication completely.

I've had this sensation for 2 days (did I mention 2 extremely long days and nights?) My sister and brother-in-law told me that I really needed to call the doctor, so I did. I went in this morning and she wrote a prescription for the stuff that worked last year. NowI get to take a 'little purple pill' everyday...I hope it starts working...and soon!


Renee Nefe said...

My MIL sleeps with her head helps.

Ralph said...

What is with these GI type of things? I had the colitis, no fun. But would I have preferred the acid? Au contraire. It's been quite awhile since I had a bad bout of acid, and I did not care for it at all. If the pills worked before, no doubt they'll work again. We all hope...

jaded said...

The Mister's family seems to be prone to reflux problems. Stress has a way of creeping in when we think things are relatively calm. Hope the little purple pill is magic.

Joan said...

Thanks for listening to us. I don't know about you but I feel a whole lot better knowing that you've been to the doctor. And hopefully those little purple pills will do the job ASAP!

Marshamlow said...

I too hope the little purple pill begins to work its magic very soon. How awful, pain is not fun.

Lynn said...

Renee - I sleep with mine elevated as well, but then I roll over.

Ralph - I hope it will hurry up and start working already! I am feeling very impatient.

Patches - Damn stress!

Joan - They can't start working soon enough.

Marsha - Pain stinks.

Patti said...

Lynn, sorry to read this about your pain(I wasn't using the computer last night after being on it all day).

hope the NE---- works.
did I get that right?

Lynn said...

Patti - You sure did! Both you and Joan are good researchers, and you were both 'angelic' while I was only 'good'...hmmmm maybe I am the adopted sister.

armalicious said...

That sucks! I hate it when dread/stress make me feel crappy.

I hope your purple pill works, too.

Lynn said...

Arm - Stress is bad have 'heartburn' on top of it is like adding insult to injury.

Pam said...

I take the little purple pill too. They work like magic! I had 3 ulcers at once and my hair was falling out, so great was the stress at that time a few years ago. Always good to listen to your body, especially when it's not happy.