Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I've Got The Blahs

I haven't felt much like blogging these past few days. The little purple pill that I am now taking, doesn't seem to be working very well. Either that, or I am impatient for it to work better. The literature on it says that it can take 8 weeks for the "discomfort" that I feel to go away. (It's easy to call something 'discomfort' when you are not the one feeling it!) I need it to start working right now!

It amazes me how down I am feeling. I've tried visualizations, praying, bargaining, for the 'discomfort' to go away, watching what I am eating...but nothing is helping.

Hopefully tomorrow the sun will shine (of course it will and it will be 95 degrees outside), I will feel better, and I will be able to post some of my vacation pics. I even have one of Ten, Twelve and I at the Rainforest Cafe in San Francisco. In the meantime, I will continue to eat Tums, acidophilis, breathe in and breathe out.


armalicious said...

I'm sorry that you aren't feeling so well!! 8 weeks does seem like a long time.

I can't wait to see the pics, but I will. Take care of yourself!

Marshamlow said...

Maybe you should call the dr, just to be sure, maybe there is something more that can be done. you shouldn't have to be in this much pain.

Chai said...

maybe there is something in the air...i'm right there with ya...only no purple pill to grab...yet

Renee Nefe said...

Oh poor thing! I hope your purple pills start working soon! owie owie.

I'm pretty sure that was a joke. I should have posted the URL for it so you could see it for yourself.

meno said...

Eight weeks? Man, that's practically the gestation period for kittens. Too long.

egan said...

Yikes, that is too long. I'm in a bit of a funk myself, but I think it's just that parenthood is a tad overwhelming. Good luck Lynn.

Michele said...

Yeh, I know about pills. It does take that long for pills to adjust.... 8 to 12 weeks is the norm for pills especially if ya gotta take them for the rest of your life or for a good chunk of your life... that is why so many peeps out there give up on them because they are too darn impatient or they don't like the side effects... hang in there, my friend!

Patti said...

I've been in a bit of a low myself for several days. But blogging helps! It's definitely therapeutic.

Sorry to hear you are in so much "discomfort," or more accurately, pain. That is unfair.
I'll be thinking good thoughts.

P.S. I replied to your comment from last night over at my place. ;~)

Renee Nefe said...

Thanks for the wishes and you don't have to worry about that DVD. It was on loan from the library and I returned it yesterday. ;)

Joan said...

Sorry to read (and hear) you're still suffering. Maybe it's time to change the color of that little pill to something other than purple. After all, it's never been your favorite color...has it?!?!?!

Ralph said...

Keep breathing in and out, and continue to write. Blogging can be very therapeutic! At least I think so...

Lynn said...

Arm - What's tough is that I start to feel better, and then not so good. It frustrating. Didn't have the opportunity to transfer my pictures onto the computer today so I will try tomorrow.

Marsha - I know that the doctor will just tell me that I need to be patient. (I went through this 1 year ago) and that's what she said then. But it's hard to be patient.

Chai - I think that going back to work is in the air. yuck

Renee - I hope it starts working too. Some days are better than others, and some portions of the days are better than others.

Meno - Kitten gestation huh? I feel like I'm gestating a prickly pear in my esophagus.

Egan - Parenthood is definitely overwhelming. Hang in there, it will get easier.

Michele - I will hang in there...I don't really have a choice. I know that you understand about waiting for results.

Patti - I seem to be having difficulty concentrating on things right now and it's making it hard for me to read. sigh

Renee - Glad that you returned the DVD before your anniversary. Hope you had a great time.

Joan - Last year I took something different, and it worked. Unfortunately, my insurance company would not cover it so I had to switch to the purple pill. It took a while for the purple pill to do it's magic. Eventually it worked. I'm just impatient for it to work NOW!

Ralph - I'm trying to breathe in and out, and watch what I eat... it's tough.

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling like crap myself. And I work so hard at not be depressed, it's even more depressing to not have all that hard work pay off. Hope you feel better soon.