Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Another Afternoon At The Pool

Went to the pool yesterday. Ten, Twelve, one of Twelve's friends and I. Three thirteen-fourteen year old boys walked by the pool. Evidently one of the boys (who lives near us) is friends with Twelve's friend.

So the boys walked past the pool, not once, not twice, not even three times. No siree. In the course of an hour, they walked by at least five (5) times. Oh wait. Did I say walked by the pool? I meant slowly meandered by the pool.

I think I put a crimp in their style.


Joan said...

So exactly what kind of style do 13-14 year old boys have??? Or should I be asking Twelve?

Renee Nefe said...

LOL! yes you put a crimp in their style and good for you too. What do 13y/o's need with trying to "cruise for chicks"...they don't even have any wheels yet.

Rule #101 for DD...the guy must have a decent car before you can date him.

Rule #1 is that she can't date until she's 35.

the moose buyer said...

What a riot. I can't believe it's already starting. Now I really feel very old. Has mom been going to the pool with you??

Patti said...

The Pool Saga continues...

No dating until 35, I like that.

armalicious said...

Seriously, Lynn! I love these pool stories. They make me grin so much!

And those boys probably thought they were being all NOT obvious. Classic.

Liv said...

Keep cramping their style. It keeps those babies safe. And they love you all the more for it, even if they can't show it!

Pam said...

Remember to always look totally clueless on the outside. You get away with so much more as far as crimping of style, eavesdropping, or just taking it all in!


Lynn said...

Joan - The boys had absolutely NO style. lol

Renee - I like the idea that she can't date until she's 35, although I was thinking more like 40. lol

the moose buyer - I offer to take her, unless it's too hot or too cold outside. She usually declines the offer.

Patti - It certainly does continue. I had an epiphany last night...I'll share it soon.

Arm - It is somewhat amusing. I'm sure that they thought they were playing it 'cool'.

Liv - I'm thinking that cramping their style is my job. One that I take very seriously. (someday I hope they'll appreciate it, although that day may not come until they're parents, themselves).

Pam - I have the totally clueless look about me often. Sometimes I hear things I'd rather not hear, then I have to take action.

Ralph said...

Boys especially want the approvals of their parents, but would rather that their peers didn't know about it...

ms chica said...

Five to eight year old males flirt better than teenagers. I watched an eight year old work a waitress at a restaurant once, and he got lucky too... He got a hug for his efforts, and his Dad looked a little jealous. Ironic, the little guy never realized what he accomplished.

Lynn said...

Ralph - That's good to know.

Ms. Chica - They sure are cute when they are young. I often tell Ten that he will appreciate female attention in a few more years.

Patti said...

and the epiphany?

Lynn said...

Patti - The ephiphany has to do with solitude. I will try to blog about it tomorrow.