Saturday, April 14, 2007

Something to Remember

This morning, while in the shower, I had a brillant idea for a post for today. It was a whole conversation that I had with myself, including pros and cons for whatever was the topic. Here's the problem... since I don't have computer access in the shower, or the bathroom for that matter, (how archaic), I forgot what I wanted to say before I was able to get to the computer. I seem to be experiencing that a lot these days.

Thoughts, ideas, whole conversations that I have with myself seem to just disappear into thin air. Vanished. Gone. Kaput. All that I am left with, is a nagging feeling that I knew what I wanted to say and the frustration that I can't for the life of me refire those brain cells, so that I can remember. I am even more exasperated when I think that if I was just 20 years younger...I would have remembered what I wanted to say.

Twenty years ago, I was single. I had to worry about 3 cats, 1 dog, and myself. The stresses that I had back then were different than now (but they were stresses nonetheless). Back then, I worried about paying my bills each month, keeping my car running, and whether or not I would ever fall in love and get married. (that was a big worry, one that I lost a lot of sleep over). Twenty years ago, I was able to keep weight off with no thought at all, I could stay up late at night and not be totally wiped out in the morning, and I could do nothing all day...if that's what I wanted to do.

These days I am hanging on to twenty extra pounds and none of the pounds consist of any brain cells...if I stay up too late at night, my body is begging for a nap the next day, and these days there is so much for me to do (being a wife, mother, caregiver for my mother) that I rarely have any time to do nothing.

Which brings me back my original statement...which, what was it? Hold on a minute, wait I remember, no really, give me a's right there on the tip of my tongue I know what I wanted to say ...oh, never mind...I give up...


Renee Nefe said...

They claim it's old age that causes the memory loss... but I think it is really the stress. We have so much more to be worried about now and our brains just can't take it.

I liken it to a computer hard drive that is full up of information... we trying to cram even more info in and we loose the old data because we overwrote it.

Sounds plausible, right?

Patti said...

I have the same problem and I agree with Renee that it's the stress of having too much to remember all the time. Brain overload.
I get ideas during the day too but then they vanish into thin air if I'm not near pen and paper.

At least you got a post out of your forgetting stuff!
Happy Sunday

Marshamlow said...

I write beautiful and articulate blog posts in my head all the time. They never seem to be accessable to my brain when I am sitting at the computer though. I agree with everyone else that it is a function of brain overload more than old age.

Joan said...

When I was working, an adminstrator told me she kept a small audio-recorder by her bedside and with her all day long so that, when she had a brilliant idea (day or night), she would capture it on the recorder and then play it back when she needed to. Maybe you and I need to go out and find two of those handy things. :~D

Pam said...

Not only do I forget what I was going to say, I forget what I was going to do and where I'm trying to go.

jaded said...

The more things you have going on in your life, the more opportunities you have to forget. My responsibilities pale when compared to yours, but I still lose my train of thought, and write long rambling posts with no discernible direction. My memory often consists of three dozen post-it notes and a large stack of cocktail napkins....

Joan said...

Okay...I just noticed your Summer Vacation!!!

Lynn said...

Renee - I think you might just be right. My mother says that her "file cabinet" is full and there isn't room for more stuff...clearly she comes from a different generation.

Patti - Maybe I should have written my thoughts on the steamed up mirror...since I didn't have any paper or pencil in the bathroom. You're right at least something productive came out of my forgetting.

Marsha - Amazing, isn't it, that the beautifully coherent, articulate thoughts are often the ones that get away?

Joan - Any excuse to go shopping is good in my book, however, I would probably forget to carry around a mini recorder. Don't some cell phones have a mini recorder built in? That might work seeing as my cell phone is almost always with me :~D

Pam - Me too...Sometimes I start to walk upstairs to get something, and about halfway up the stairs I stop and wonder "what was I going upstairs for?".

Patches - I happen to enjoy your posts. Post-it notes and cocktail napkins are great ideas. Unfortunately for me, everytime I use post-it notes and place them in a prominent place (or so I think at the time)they end up getting covered up and I forget that they were ever there. (sigh)

Lynn said...

Joan - I called you this morning, but got your voice, I decided to attempt to get countdown timer on my own. Glad you like it :~D

Patti said...

Lynn, I tried to put a countdown ticker on my blog twice, but it (or I) messed up. It gets cut-off on the right side and I don't know how to put it at the top.

I wanted to be chance of that I guess.

armalicious said...

I forget about stuff I want to blog about all the time. And, oddly enough, I always have the brilliant idea while in the shower (where I solve a lot of problems, it seems). I know these lost post ideas could have been ground-breaking.

Sweet countdown! I have one for the Harry Potter book because I'm a nerd like that.

Lynn said...

Patti - I must admit it took me awhile to figure out which info the blog needed to be able to show the countdown ticker...I just perservered! (no way I'm gonna let technology get the better of me)

Arm - I also wonder why it is that the shower provides such a great environment for thinking and working out problems...I'll probably figure it out one of these days...while in the shower.

egan said...

I like this post. It tells much about you.

sari said...

I always think of good stuff in the middle of the night, which I never remember.

In the shower, I'm always thinking of stuff I need to get at the store, which I also promptly forget. I tried to keep a pad on the bathroom counter, but I still don't always make it to the counter before I've washed whatever it was away.

Lynn said...

Egan - does tell alot about, but I'm not so sure about what:~)

Sari - I invent songs to remind me what I need at the store...I'm usually good for singing about four items.