Friday, April 6, 2007

A Bounce To My Step

The other night (actually it was last weekend) I took Ten with me to pick up dinner at a local Mexican Food restaurant. The "pick up" area of this restaurant is...where else...yep you guessed the bar. So, Ten and I moseyed on into the bar to pick up our order. A man walked up to Ten and I and offered to buy me a drink. My initial reaction was...Why is this guy offering to buy me a drink, I'm married? Then, I felt weird. Then, I felt flattered. Then, I politely declined his offer of a drink. But, you know, it's been a long time since a strange man offered to buy me a drink...and I noticed that despite my initial discomfort, when I walked out of the restaurant with Ten I had a bounce to my step.


egan said...

How did Ten react to this? It's always nice to get a bit of attention from a stranger even if it's a bit awkward.

jaded said...

Like, Egan, I'm curious of what ten thought of this. I bet you held your head up high and had a big a smile on your face too! You've still got it...would you tell me what it is so that I can buy some too?

Joan said...

How come this is the first I'm hearing about this little episode? Okay...maybe because you knew I'd be jealous as heck. It's been a very long time since someone offered to buy me a drink. May I borrow Ten sometime next week? :~)

meno said...

Yeah, but was he cute? :)

I'm jealous!

Patti said...

You go girl!
Good thing Ten was with you.

OK, I'm kidding.

Lynn said...

Egan - Ten was curious as to why this man wanted to buy me a drink. He asked me about six times in the bar and in the car. I wanted to tell Ten that the man offered to buy me a drink because I probably looked like I needed one...instead I said that he offered to buy me a drink because he was just being nice. (see the rest of my comment below to Patti)

Patches - This man must have either been very drunk, or very hard up...I was wearing shorts, a tee-shirt and absolutely no make-up...go figure.

Joan - You can borrow Ten anytime you'd like.

Meno - I was so taken aback I didn't really look at him. (am I a dork or what?)

Patti - I went girl...right back home and proceeded to tell dh about it...:~) Ten asked dh why this man offered to buy me a drink and dh said "Because Mommy's still got it." (awwwww)

Renee Nefe said...

Oh your DH is so sweet! So even though you weren't all "gussied up" the man in the bar thought you have it...and your DH too.

Personally I've never had anyone offer to buy me a drink...probably because I didn't ever do much bar hopping. Every bar that I've gone to, I've been there with a date. Oh well.

Lynn said...

Renee - Yes, I dh is sweet.

Pam said...

A very good note to end your vacation on!

egan said...

Ha, I love the "still got it" part of this story. Please tell me you were kidding about the make-up part.