Thursday, July 5, 2007

It Sure Is Quiet Around Here

Well, it Thursday and Twelve has been away since last Saturday. Ten has had no one to argue with, and it's been really quiet at my house. It amazes me that the absence of one Twelve year old girl could contribute to such peace and harmony within the household. I wonder what would happen if Ten went away to camp for one week...

If you happen to be wondering...yes, I do miss her. I am looking forward to picking Twelve up on Saturday. I offered to bring DH and Ten with me, but when I dropped Twelve off at camp last Saturday, she told me that she wanted time to 'decompress' (my word, but her thought) and just talk with me after camp. I'm glad that she still values 'talk with mommy time'. I hope that doesn't change.


Renee Nefe said...

I had the thought this morning that I should have tried to get DD's cousin to go with her to GS camp...maybe next year I'll get on the ball for that. They're such good friends.

It's funny how different the house feels when just one family member is gone... I'll have both DH & DD gone when she goes to camp. That ought to be interesting.

Marshamlow said...

Having my 16 YO home during summer has changed our dynamic, having the husband home yesterday and today changed it up as well. It is weird how we are all different people depending on the others in the room with us.

BeccA's Buzz said...

I hope Twelve always comes to you to decompress too. I still do with my momma and I'm 33!! lol

meno said...

How long until she goes off to college? :)

the moose buyer said...

enjoy all the time you get alone with 12 because once she turns 14 she won't want to be near you. Remember how Auntie E and uncle B would go to NY without Frank and I?? Now that I think about it, they were probably very happy to do so.

Joan said...

I will remind you of this post the first time Ten and Twelve have a screaming match after she returns from camp. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you will disappear fast enough. :~)

Patti said...

I'm with Joan. Enjoy the peace and quiet for a bit longer...
I just re-posted, using Ralph's profile this time. Go see if you can see my seal. ;-)
You know I am proud of it.

armalicious said...

I hope that doesn't change either!!

And I laughed out loud at the statement of a house being harmonious with the absence of a 12 year old girl. Too funny!

Lynn said...

Renee - Sounds to me like you will have some definite 'Renee-time' when dh and dd are away...lucky you.

Marsha - It is funny to watch how the dynamics change. I have some friends whos kids are home from college, and they are ready for their kids to go back to school, because they've gotten so used to them not being home.

Beccagirl - Welcome to my and your mom are very lucky.

Meno - Five more years...but I'm hoping that Twelve and Ten will mature and stop arguing so much sometime before then.

The Moose Buyer - You're mom and dad were probably very happy to get away...remember when you stayed with Joan and I because our mom and dad went to LV?

Joan - I figure that I will have approximately 2 days of peace and quiet after Twelve comes home.

Patti - I'm trying to enjoy the peace and quiet, although with Ten around there isn't alot of peace or quiet. I'm heading over to check out your seal now.

Arm - When given the choice of talking to her father or mother, at this point in time, Twelve still prefers to talk with her mother...father tends to turn everything into a lecture...bless his heart.

Michele said...

I don't think it will ever change. At this time in her life if she's still talking about "decompressing" ( gosh I just love that word ) she will always hold a special place in her heart for you, mark my words.

Anonymous said...

yes Lynn I remember when the folks went to Vegas. We had green scrambled eggs!!! See, most of the time my memory is still intact.

egan said...

So funny you mention the camp thing. My wife and I were just talking about this a few days ago. She spent her summers between 10-14 at one in Minnesota. We joke about all the great things she learned at her camp. Does Ten love it or what?

Lynn said...

Michele - I so hope that you are right.

Only Oldest - Yep...Green eggs it was.

Egan - It's Twelve that's at the sleep away camp and even though we haven't spoken, I know that she is having a wonderful time. We thought of sending Ten this year, but felt that he was not quite mature enough...maybe next year. The good thing about this camp is that the boys go up one week and the girls go up a different I don't have that worry to contend with;~)

All Blog Spots said...

nice blog

sari said...

It always amazes me the differences when one of my kids (usually Nine) isn't here. Five is always SO GOOD, it's shocking.

Lynn said...

Sari - I know...Ten has been an absolute angel while Twelve has been gone. Just goes to show how they feed off of each others energy to create noise:~)