Sunday, July 29, 2007

Too Many Eggs

I went to the supermarket the other day. I needed to pick up some eggs. They had a sale, buy 1 get one free. I bought 18 eggs and ended up with 36. I just didn’t feel right saying that I didn’t want the other 18 eggs. I mean the store was practically begging me to take them, right? The supermarket would have felt slighted if I had said “No thank you, I’ll just take the 18 eggs, you keep the other 18. What would that have done to their inventory? lol

So, I went to the store for a dozen eggs, and came home with 3 dozen eggs. Now I have to cook them so that they won’t go to waste. (Right, they’ll just go to my waist, instead!). (sigh). I’ve decided to make “Mock Chopped Liver”. (Kind of like egg salad, only with the addition of other ingredients: onions, nuts, peas or mushrooms). It’s the vegetarian, not vegan, alternative to ‘chopped liver’. My family loves it! I just wish there would have been a sale on ice cream instead.


armalicious said...

You don't have to get a free one on a bogo sale, do you? Sometimes I don't - unless it's ice cream. Or shoes. It doesn't affect their inventory, though, if you don't take it.

Lynn said...

Arm - It's just hard to turn down something free...somehow it feels wasteful to me. On another subject, when are you going to explain what is happening as far as accessing your blog? I miss reading what is happening with you.

meno said...

You could egg someone's house!! C'mon, it'll be fun.

Joan said... I need to bring my own storage container for the Mock Chopped Liver or will you supply???'s the mock chopped liver over ice cream any ol' day!!! Trust me...

Lynn said...

Meno - Is that what you learned at Blogher?

Joan - B.Y.O.container, you could come tomorrow and help me make it;~)

armalicious said...

Did you not get my e-mail? I'm password protecting it for a bit. It's a long story. I e-mailed you the login stuff. I can send it again!

Marshamlow said...

The mock liver sounds really good. I always put two eggs in every batch of chocolate chip cookies. I can send you my address if you want to mail me a batch. Just trying to help? :)

Lynn said...

Arm - I did get your email, I have just been so engrossed in blogland, that I keep forgetting to check my email. (sigh)

Marsha - Like your new picture icon. I would love to send the vegetarian liver to you, unfortunately I don't think that it would travel too well. But it is really easy to make.

Renee Nefe said...

I'm betting the food bank would take the extras. We don't eat eggs much here...I don't bake and DD won't eat eggs by themselves. So I don't buy them very often and when I do they usually go to waste. I used to get egg beaters and keep them frozen, but then I just stopped baking.

Glad you had a good use for them.

Lilly doesn't get bones that often either because the extra meat & marrow usually does upset her tummy. But I get the bones to keep her occupied when I need her out of the house for more than 30 minutes.

Lynn said...

Renee - I don't like eggs as a rule, but I will use them in recipes that call for them. Do you ever use rawhide chews for Lilly?

Chai said...

Lynn my mothe just sent me my grandmother's infamous cocanut pie and chocolate pie recipes..they eachuse about 6 eggs..that would get rid of a dozen for you...i'm going to poste them in a minute...

Michele said...

Mmmmm.... eggs. Heart shaped eggs always cheer me up :)

the moose buyer said...

I agree with Joan. Mock liver over ice cream any day. Isn't there a holiday this week which uses it. There must be one!!!

Lynn said...

Chai - I love coconut pie! I can't wait to see your grandmother's 'infamous' recipe!

Michele - Seeing your picture of them cheered me up as well.

The Moose Buyer - Sorry, no holidays this week.

Ralph said...

Well, there are omelettes, scrambles and cakes (oh my)

Lynn said...

Ralph - I figured that you would have a solution to my abundance of eggs.

Patti said...

Reading late today, but I'm here. ;-)
Eggs will last a while in the refrigerator, right? You don't need to use them immediately.

Maybe you can make egg drop soup. If there are any left after all the cakes and pies you are going to whip up.

Lynn said...

Patti - It is HOT here. Whatever I make must not involve turning on the oven...that leaves out cakes, pies, cookies...sigh.