Saturday, January 27, 2007

The World of Blogging

I am so excited!!!!! Today after sleeping in late (hey, to me 6:40am is late),then getting breakfast for Twelve and Ten, playing with Amber (who is feeling waaaaay to frisky for a dog that had TPLO surgery just eleven days ago), attending Ten's VERY exciting 4th grade boys basketball game...his team won by the way, coming home and making lunch for Ten (after all he was STARVING after playing such an action packed game), and playing with Amber again... I finally found some time to sit down at the computer and search the blog website. Now you must understand that my sister, The Erstwhile Librarian, is always telling me about interesting blog sites that she finds. I on the otherhand never seem to find the time to sit and search the blog site... and even if I did, I figure I am not the researcher in the family...I wouldn't even know where to start! My sister has encouraged me to just type in something that interests me and that I would be surprised at what I would find. So today that's just what I did. Now if anyone asked me what I typed in I would have to say: Girl Scouts, volunteering, organizing. Those three areas seem to really interest me. Girl Scouts because I am a Girl Scout leader, volunteering because that's something I do, and organizing because I wish I was organized and clutter free. I didn't learn much from the Girl Scouts sites other than apparently not all of the councils started selling cookies on the same date. Volunteering lead me to some sites that just didn't interest me. Organizing, on the other hand,...well I think I may have hit the mother lode!!!!!!! I found one blog site called "I'm an organizing junkie". What an interesting blog!... I think that it might just be the answer to my organizing prayers. This woman really has some amazing ideas that I would love to try...if only I can find the time.

1 comment:

Joan said...

See...I told you there was a world of amazing things out there in the blogosphere. And now we're part of it...