Monday, January 22, 2007


I'm tired! I spent all of Saturday afternoon helping one of the girls in my Girl Scout troop complete some of the prerequisite requirements for her "Silver Award"(the highest honor a Cadette Girl Scout can earn). These things needed to be completed before the whole troop can start on the actual project. On Sunday, I was asked to volunteer at my children's Sunday School. Up till now, besides being a mom, working 24hours per week, volunteering as a Girl Scout Leader, and volunteering as a room mom in my son's class, I was also volunteering on the Board of Directors in the Association where we live. Elections are coming up in March and I have decided NOT to run again. Evidently I must have felt that this left me with some extra time on my hands, so when asked, I said that I would happily volunteer one Sunday a month at the Sunday school. What was I thinking?...


Anonymous said...

you were thinking what all the kids in our family(well some of the kids - you and I out of 5 of us so far) have been taught that volunteering is a nice thing to do and helps the community. We both seem to extend ourselves maybe a little too much but when I wonder about it, I realize that it seems like a worthwhile thing to do. Don't overdue it though. you are not as young as you used to be LOL!!

Joan said...

I have said this to you before...for someone with a remarkably large vocabulary, why do you always have problems saying the word "no."'s only a teeny little two-letter word. You know what mom always said - "Practice makes perfect."