Friday, February 1, 2008

The Ballad...Part 2

As promised, here is ballad number 2. Elle did not turn this one in either.

Buzz goes my alarm clock
Monday morning, very early.
My ipod sounds out music
Mom will let me stay home, surely.

I don't want to go to school today.
Oh, please don't make me go.
I don't want to go to school
I think I'll pray for snow.

My father makes me breakfast
I don't think that I can eat.
I don't want to go to school today
Staying home would be a treat.

I don't want to go to school today.
Oh, please don't make me go.
I don't want to go to school
I think I'll pray for snow.

I think I have a fever
I'm sure my temperature is high.
My throat is sore and achy
My mother says "Nice try."

I don't want to go to school today.
Oh, please don't make me go.
I don't want to go to school
I think I'll pray for snow.

My excuses fell on deaf ears
I can't go back to bed
I'd rather be at Disneyland
But I'm stuck at school instead.

I don't want to go to school today.
Oh, please don't make me go.
I don't want to go to school
I think I'll pray for snow.

Fortunately Elle understands the futility of praying for snow, here in Southern California. Stay tuned for Ballad #3...the one that was turned in.


Michele said...

Very good ballad but hey, never underestimate the power of prayer... I have seen stranger things happen... heh.

meno said...

This is really very clever! Could sge set it to music? It would be cute.

Joan said...

Since you've proven to be a very creative person, I've left you a fun little meme on my blog. Enjoy...tehehe!

Anonymous said...

Send her on up to visit me. She'll snow and cold like she's never felt.

Renee Nefe said...

cute! Now why doesn't she want to go to school? ;)

re: spam email...that was my spam email account. I have 3 accounts.

re: cookie lady...she's the volunteer cookie cupboard person AND unit cookie director. But when we did our training the cookie director for our council was there and suggested that instead of ordering a case and having left-overs (surplus), especially on the non-popular types, that we could fudge our order and then pick up the boxes that we needed at the cupboard later. However, this cookie lady at the direction of our service unit director, did this will ALL the cookies. I watched them do this with two troops before me. So when it was my turn, I said that I didn't want them to do that...I wanted the surplus. And 3 days later I find that she ignored me. The crux of this is I don't think that my complaining to someone higher up will do anything because I was probably the only troop that this affected as I'm sure the other troops had booth cases. And I would just be shooting my troop in the foot by complaining about it.

Patti said...

This is quite clever, and like Meno said, it would be fun to set to music.

What does dad make for breakfast?
Eggs? Pancakes? Waffles?

Lynanne said...

These are good! I can't believe she didn't turn these in. I love her sense of humor. :) I can't wait to see #3

Patti said...

Lynn, You've been tagged

Pam said...

Elle is a budding artist! Nicely done. Just to horrify her, tell her that we always keep the bedroom window open a bit in the winter, even in our recent 17-below-zero weather! Talk about icicles in your hair... and in your nose!

Lynn said...

Michele - There is actually snow that we can see on the mountain tops not too far from us. So it is possible that it could snow actually did a number of years ago, it was just a dusting, but I took pictures.

Meno - Setting it to music isn't really her thing...that would mean that she should have continued with piano lessons instead of stopping them.

Joan - Creativity runs in our family. I'll attempt the meme later...just be ready for my phone call asking for help.

Deb - Elle has been in the snow. I don't think that she really wants it to snow, she just wants option to get out of going to school sometimes.

Renee - She does want to go to school, there are just some teachers that she finds boring and would love to miss their classes.

Patti - On the weekend...omelets. During the week...who knows. I am long gone, and no one is complaining.

Pam - Welcome back! Do you really leave your window open??? My mother, my DH and my son all like their windows open, even when it's cold outside...Elle likes a warm room, and for some weird reason hers is the coldest.

jaded said...

This captures the spirit of adolescence.

Leanne said...

These are all great, but I like this one the best, I mean who can't relate to this!

Pam said...

Yes, we really leave the window open. Only during the winter, though, and the rest of the time the AC is going for both allergies and coolness. What can I say? My husband and I are just... too HOTT!
(Um, NOTT??)