Thursday, May 31, 2007

I Need Back-Up

If you read this post, and it is not yet 11am PST Friday June 1st, please send some good thoughts my way, as I face off with my bosses boss, and try to rectify the mess that they made of my assignment for next year.

If 11am PST has already past, then please send some support my way...just in case. And if you happened to have heard a loud scream sometime after 11amPST Friday June 1st, well, let's just hope that it didn't come from me.

And if the day isn't stressful enough as it is...there is a Girl Scout meeting in the afternoon. Oh golly gee...I can hardly wait...


the moose buyer said...

Uncle Bill could talk anyone out of anything and you are his niece. Think of him and what he would say to convince your boss. I know you can do it.

My thoughts are with you too. Good luck.

Joan said...

Remember...just keep looking at that Summer Vacation countdown timer on your blog and "breathe in, breathe out." I'll be thinking good thoughts for you today!!!

armalicious said...

It's 10:13 CST for me. Which means it's 8:13 for you. So, you have a fe hours and good thoughts are being sent West for you!

meno said...

Sending good thoughts.

Renee Nefe said...

It's 10:06am MST here, so I've still got some time.

I just can't see how these folks can't listen to reason. They can't over rule what is best for the kids...IT'S THEIR JOB to do what is best for the kids.

Lots of hugs coming your way!

Renee Nefe said...

Glad you have someone to share the big meals with.

jaded said...

Unpleasant...Uh sorry, the yelling was actually occurring on the east coast. Didn't mean to get so loud.

Patti said...

it's 2:19 p.m. Eastern...sending supportive thoughts across the country to you.

Lynn said...

The Moose Buyer - Uncle Bill could intimidate someone there's a difference. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Joan - I thought you told me to hold my breath!

Arm - Thanks for the good thoughts...I felt them.

Meno - I felt your good thoughts too.

Renee - She doesn't have to listen to reason...she's the big boss lady.

Patches - Funny, I wondered what that sound was...I knew that it wasn't coming from least not at that moment.

Patti - Thanks.