Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Week That's Been

Warning...this post is one big whinefest. Proceed at your own caution!

This has not been a very good week. Last Saturday, my cousin Frank died. Then Friday, after I picked the kids up from school, I came home and my mother was on the sofa sleeping. After a while, when she still hadn't woken up, I woke her up to say 'hi' and she was quite lethargic, and told me that she had been throwing up. Which she had done...all over herself, the sofa, and the floor. Turns out she was 'open both ends' and didn't realize it.

Rather than go into the details, I will just say that I called Joan and we (mom, Joan , and I) spent 4 hours in the Emergency room (per a nurses suggestion). At some point, I bought adult diapers. (which didn't work by the way). The ER MD gave mom a prescription for anti nausea medication, but nothing for the diarrhea.

Yesterday was Sports championship soccer game (which his team lost) and I didn't want to miss the game so Joan came over to be with mom while I was gone. Joan decided to call a pharmacist, give the pharmacist a list of mom's medications, and see if there was something that we could give mom to stop her from 'going'. The pharmacist made a recommendation of a product which I picked up on the way home. This product, so far, has seemed to do the trick. I am hoping that mom doesn't end up with the opposite problem.

One of the things I noticed, and I know that Deb from A Tired Mummy totally understands, is that when someone has diminished cognitive capacity, as in the case of my mother, and they try to be helpful, they end up just making a bigger mess.

I am exhausted beyond belief. Today Sport has basketball picture day and a game. While DH takes Sport to his basketball stuff, I will hang with mom and keep an eye on her. I am praying that it was just a 24 hour bug and that she will be back to her old self today. Oh and did I mention, I have company coming over tonight? Thank goodness it's my family and not DH's family...but still, I need to move a table, set both tables...well you know the drill. sigh


Patti said...

Oh my goodness. What a horrible week it has been for you. Sorry you are so exhausted.

I read Joan's account of all this. I do hope your mom gets well soon. It must be such a strain on you guys.

Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

It's true, they do make a bigger mess. Same with doctors who don't know what they're doing, trying to help and score points with the nurses.

Hope things get better.

Renee Nefe said...

oh YUCK! I hope your mom is feeling better soon...I'm guessing they have no clue what caused this, huh? Poor thing.

Today I got a nasty headache. I ended up taking a nap pretty much all afternoon. I think the headache might have been my body saying "take a nap" but I'm still not 100%. My head is still funny and I keep making silly typos.

Lynn said...

Patti - Fortunately, she seems to be doing better...she's exhausted, but feeling better. DH however came down with the same thing yesterday, at least he can take care of himself.

Deb - Thanks, I knew that you would really understand.

Renee - It was the stomach flu. A nap sounds wonderful right about now. But alas, I am rushing off to work;~(

meno said...

You are a hero. really.

jaded said...

Ditto, what meno said. I hope today is going better.

Unknown said...

Oh man, the flu is the worst. Combine it with someone who is unable to care for herself. Yup, you are a hero. *hug*

sari said...

I hope you're mom's doing better. It sounds like a tough week.

Lynn said...

Meno - Hardly a hero...just a dutiful daughter.

Patches - Yesterday wasn't much better (spent 8 hours in the emergency room with my mom, but at least no mess to clean up) but today is better...thank goodness.

Nancy - Thanks for the hug. The stomach flu is really a nasty thing...ranks right up there with "Rat Sperm Smear".

Sari - Thanks. Today, she is finally doing better.