Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Time Has Come's over, done, finished. Yep, I 'm talking about my vacation. The one that I was soooooo looking forward to. It's Sunday and I have spent the whole morning writing up reports that are due tomorrow at 8am. I can already feel the tension as it re-works it's way into my shoulders. I can feel my neck tighten up. I can feel my mind filling with work related issues. Yuck!

The good news is that Ten and darling hubby are at a basketball game, Twelve is busy watching a movie, and as soon as I finish blogging, I am taking my stressed out body upstairs and I am going to redirect the stress into decluttering mode. I am pumped up. I am ready to tackle the remaining junk on my desk top...I will not come up for air until I can actually see the top of the desk! I don't just mean a portion of the desk...but ALL OF IT! I can do it!!! (I hope)...


jaded said...

Sorry your vacation has come to a close. Good luck with the desk.

Joan said...'s now we see the top of the desk? Are you now allowed to breathe?

Patti said...

Hope you got some rest during the week.
Try not to get too tense, but I know exactly how you feel when it's time to get back to work ...

Lynn said...

Patches - Thanks. I actually feel pretty good...I accomplished quite a bit clearing it off...and it turns out, I didn't need a backhoe!

Joan - Yes, we now see the top of the desk. Of course it came with a lecture provided by dh about keeping it cleaned off.

Patti - I am currently beyond stressed out...I even had a dream last night that I told my supervisors supervisor that I had way to large of a caseload, and that I was too stressed out to continue to do the job. It's sad that it's invading my dreams.

meno said...

The day after vacation is always one of the hardest. Be gentle with yourself, and GOOD WORK on the desk. Will you come and do mine?

Renee Nefe said...

I'm so sorry that your vacation is over. DH had to get up early this morning after having a week of sleeping in for his class (having no commute at the hotel was too wonderful for him!) he was very weary this morning too.

I'm glad you got your desk cleared off...wanna come & do mine? ;o) I really need to do mine today!!!

And I got that pretzel recipe up on my blog for you. I'm always happy to share recipes.

Lynn said...

Meno - Today was a particularily difficult day...I'm hoping the rest of the week is better! I would happily come and do your desk, for some reason, it is so much easier to get rid and organize someone elses "stuff"...probably because there is no emotional attachment.

Renee - It's now afternoon here, and I definitely need a nap. Let me know how your desk goes... and I will rush over to your blog and check out the recipe...before I take the nap!