Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Need A Room

Work started...waaaaaaa. I've been really busy scheduling kids and doing an inordinate amount of paperwork. Fortunately, paperwork and organizing schedules are two things that I am really good at, otherwise I would be up the proverbial creek. Unfortunately, the excessive amount of paperwork that I am required to do takes time away from what I really love to do which is to work with kids.

I am trying a somewhat new attitude this school year...I am attempting to let go of the expectation that I will actually have a room to work in at my high school. Last week I went to the school just knowing that there wouldn't be a room for me (since they unceremoniously moved someone else into my room with three weeks left in the school year last June...without giving me any notice or warning), and lo and behold...I wasn't disappointed. When the principal looked me in the eye and said that she couldn't get to it until the next week (meaning this week), I was able to smile and say...great, I look forward to coming back next week (now this week), instead of throwing a pissy attitude about how I am a professional and expect to be treated as such.

This reduced expectation doesn't preclude me from fretting about the way that I am treated at that particular school. It doesn't stop me from being pissed off that I have had to move eight, now nine times in the eight years that I have been serving that particular school. It doesn't stop me from resenting the principal's favorites who never have to move. The change in attitude just allows me to remain calm and not blow a gasket at least in that moment.

Today I am going back to that school. Despite the principal telling me that I would have a room this week, I am 99.999% sure that I won't. If you hear a loud thud this morning, it may just be me, fainting, if they actually assign a room to me. Breathe in...breathe out.


Renee Nefe said...

I took an Anger management class once and he suggested that I start thinking just like you have been about your room. Some days it works for me and sometimes not. LOL!
I will be listening for that thud, but it's almost 9am my time and I haven't heard it yet. ;)
I'm gonna have to blog about GS stuff I think. It looks like it's gonna be such a fun year paperwork wise...read with dripping sarcasm.

Patti said...

Lynn, you have kept your expectations in check, and that is a good thing! You wouldn't expect the administration to be 100% truthful, right?

Don't hit your head!

Ralph said...

Lynn, that was me...after all this time Patti and I have shared the computer, I still forget to check the profile first!

Maybe you WILL get your own room! Truth can sound stranger than fiction!

jaded said...

A friend teaches art in the public school system. Her first year she had rolling cart and a closet. Her second year, she had an almost classroom with portable partitions in the school's lunchroom.

I don't know how school boards expect miracles when the learning environment is inadequate. Good luck! I hope they will surprise you.

Joan said...

Congratulations on breaking through to the "calmness" zone. It will definitely serve you well this coming school year. Keep those breathing exercises flowing.

meno said...

I need to learn that zen approach to jerks.

I didn't hear a thud, so....????

Patti said...

I also didn't hear a thud, but we are almost 3,000 miles away.

I hope it worked out for you and you really got a room!

Breathe in, breathe out...

Lynn said...

Renee - Wow, I guess I saved myself the cost of an anger management class...not as good as the hundred dollars you found in your checkbook though.

Ralph - I will post about my new albeit temporary abode. Maybe I'll even post a photo.

Patches - I was actually pleasantly surprised with the temporary accommodations...but I remain a realist and know that next week it could all change.

Joan - I am breathing in and out so much, it's a wonder I didn't pass out from too much oxygen.

Meno - I'm still working on changing my mindset when it comes to morons (aka jerks)...that's a tough one.

Patti - I did get a room...as I told Ralph, I will try to take a picture of it tomorrow...that is if I still have the room tomorrow.

Marshamlow said...

I can't wait to see the pics of the new digs. I hope that you will be treated better this year! Are you just at the one school this year or do you juggle many schools?

Patti said...

Waiting for photo!

I hope you are breathing in, etc. ;-)

Pam said...

Hey Lynn, remember me? It's been awhile... As I try to catch up with all my blog friends, it sounds like your lungs ought to be just about bionic by now with all this deep breathing!! Hang in there...

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hi Lynn, haven't been by for ages, hope all is well in your world (other than the room thing at school !!).
Have a great weekend.
Take care, Meow

Patti said...

Hi Lynn,
Ralph and I miss you in the blogosphere. Hope all is well.


Lynanne said...

Just catching up here. I hope your first day wasn't as stressful as you feared and that you were able to get a room!